
Amazon redshift sql
Amazon redshift sql

amazon redshift sql

Enterprise customers and community users alike have been deploying MariaDB as a data warehouse ever since, replacing Greenplum and Vertica, or when they reached the limits of its analytical capabilities, MySQL.Įnter SkySQL. But if you wanted one in the cloud, Redshift was the only game in town.Ī few years ago MariaDB introduced ColumnStore, a distributed and columnar storage engine. It has much better compression, far less disk IO and scales out from gigabytes to petabytes of data.

amazon redshift sql

When it comes to a data warehouse, you want a distributed, columnar database. To be fair, there weren’t a lot of options back in 2013. So, if you wouldn’t use a 15 year old database for an on-premises data warehouse, why would you use one for a cloud data warehouse?


Then again, at least it hasn’t ended up at Microstrategy where software goes to die. It didn’t stop me from getting new fleeces, and it’s no longer my go-to fleece when it’s cold out.Īs an aside, I thought Greenplum was bad (Postgres 9.4), but it has nothing on Redshift. And if I wear it, I get an earful from my wife.

amazon redshift sql

It’s falling apart, but I tell myself it can still do the job (it can’t). I still have a fleece I wore some 20 years ago. Redshift is, and always has been, based on a 15 year old version of Postgres. And Redshift? Seven years later and it’s still based on Postgres 8.0.2. ParAccel would go on to be acquired by Actian. They built Redshift on ParAccel Analytic Database (PADB) in 2013, itself built on Postgres 8.0.2. As noted, you need/want to have launched ms-access as administrator.If you needed an on-premises data warehouse today, would you choose a version of Postgres released in 2005 (Postgres 8.0.2)? How about a version of MySQL released in 2005 (MySQL 5.0.15)? Perhaps you’d ask Oracle if you could use Oracle Database 10g Release 2 even though it was released in 2005 and reached end-of-life a decade ago? If that does not work, then try to create a Machine data source. Use access to create the new connection (do NOT launch the ODBC panel from the control panel).Īs noted, try first choosing to create a FILE connection. So, launch access (tap windows key, type in access, and then do NOT click on the result, but right click and choose run as administrator.Īt that point, choose from ribbon External data, ODBC database.


However, I find a good number of drivers - even the sqlLite ones don't work (for some un-known reason) as FILE dsn, but do work when creating a SYSTEM dsn (A Machine data source). So, the default (tab) is a FILE dsn, and that is MUCH preferred. If that does not work, then try again and this time create a "Machine data source" I do suggest you try launching Access as administrator (the reason is the folders where the connection settings are saved often require elevated rights).įirst try creating a FILE DSN. It not clear how you attempting to link (using external data + the wizards to create a connection). This does suggest you have the correct ODBC drivers installed.


However, if you able to get the ADO in VBA (in access working with a conneciton to redshift, then you KNOW that a valid driver does exist). Tdf.SourceTableName = ""Įdit-I've tried all three of the strConnectionString settings in the TestLinkingToRS() function 'strConnectionString = "DSN=CPP_RS UID=theUserID PWD=thePassword" 'strConnectionString = "Driver= Server= Database=theDatabase UID=theUserID PWD=thePassword Port=thePortNo"


When I try to link the table using the code below I get an error stating "could not find installable ISAM" at the TableDefs.Append step. When I test using ?GetRSConn.Execute("SELECT * from tblTest").RecordCount in the immediate window I get the correct result. MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description If IsEmpty(dbRSConn) Or dbRSConn Is Nothing Then Public Function GetRSConn(Optional ByVal TimeOut As Long = -1) As ADODB.Connection The dbRSConn variable is a private variable in the same module. I'm using Office 365 and version of the Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver (圆4) When I try to programmatically create the linked table using VBA I get an error "could not find installable ISAM", about which I have been able to find very little information online If I try to link a table from Redshift to Access however using that DSN the Access app crashes every single time.


I've created the DSN on my pc and I can connect with VBA using an nnection object and setting the connection string to the DSN. I've recreated just one table in Redshift so far for testing. I am testing out moving those tables to AWS Redshift. I have an MS Access app that has linked tables from a locally installed SQL Server Express instance on the same PC. Access cannot link to a table in AWS Redshift

Amazon redshift sql